Evening temperatures are dipping into the 40s, reminding us that the summer of '22 will soon be a memory. That said, we continue to enjoy visits to Fudgy's, the popular local ice cream shop, as well as cookouts and patio social gatherings. The days remain warm, views across the ponds to the Berkshire mountains are spectacular and the gardens are vibrant with colorful flowers and juicy, fat tomatoes.
Last week's Auxiliary tag sale was a terrific success; happy shoppers discovered irresistible deals and enjoyed succulent hotdogs grilled by Noble Administrator Bill Pond. We are grateful to the hard-working Auxiliary members who are now plotting and planning the return of the Festival of Trees as well as the Holiday Fair. We were thrilled this week to host our first in-person Taconic Learning Center class since March 2020 and to welcome more in-person balance class participants than on Zoom. In fact, beginning October 19, our weekly balance class will return to an on-campus-only class.
On September 16, Noble celebrated Mexican Independence Day with pinatas, sombreros, and savory, spicy tacos bursting with fresh tomatoes, freshly melted cheese and a sizzling meat filling. The El Grito de la Independencia (Cry for Freedom) went out on September 16, 1810 and is recognized as the beginning of hope and a better future for Mexicans. Here's to hope and a better future for all of us!
Keith Moon: Stories of Ukrainian Refugee Families
Keith Moon recently returned from Slovakia where he volunteered with Ukrainian refugees displaced by the Russian invasion. He arrived with a check from the Special Olympics of CT which will help fund a Dream Day Care Center for intellectually disabled Ukrainian children whose displacement has exacerbated their challenges. Moon explained, "This represents a big step to help these families move forward."
Join Keith on September 24 at 2 pm to learn more about the war's impact on Ukrainian families and how they are coping with the devastating impact of the war. More info and registration.
The Dutch Golden Age of Painting: Why Rembrandt and his Contemporaries Still Matter
We are thrilled to welcome back former Hotchkiss School art history instructor Verena Drake who will discuss The Dutch Golden Age of Painting: Why Rembrandt and his Contemporaries Still Matter on September 23 and 30, 11 am-noon. What is it that continues to draw us to the works of Dutch painters of the mid-17th century? The search for self-presentation, the desire for comfort and safety of the indoors, the study and appreciation of nature? Enjoy iconic images from some of the greatest northern European artists, including Rembrandt’s portraits, Vermeer’s interiors, and Fabritius’s Goldfinch. More information and registration.
National Expert on Women's Retirement Issues Comes to Noble
As a hard-working young woman, Cindy Hounsell was stunned and powerless when her employer froze her pension plan. With this as an impetus, Cindy enrolled in law school and following graduation founded WISER, the Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement whose mission is to improve opportunities for women and to educate the public about the inequities that disadvantage women in retirement.
As the only organization to focus exclusively on the unique financial challenges that women face, Cindy has become a nationally renowned resource, frequently quoted in The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe with appearances on ABC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, Fox Morning News & Financial News, and a Good Morning America interview with Diane Sawyer. She has testified before Congress and served as a delegate for a number of White House Summits and conferences including the last two White House Conferences on Aging, and the White House Social Security Conference. More info and registration.
Free Balance and Movement Classes
Balance Class Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 am In-person or Zoom through October 12
Suzanne Mazzarelli's Therapeutic Movement and Breath, Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 am via Zoom