While we continue to hope for rain, the string of sunny days has provided the perfect backdrop
![]() Another late summer Noble tradition is the Auxiliary's much-anticipated lobster luncheon which every member of the Noble community will enjoy this week! Of course, as evidenced by the happy faces in the accompanying photo, Sharon Playhouse's critically acclaimed and exceptionally exuberant production of Guys and Dolls was a huge hit at Noble!
Despite the heat, the profuse spread of golden rod across the campus is a gentle reminder that September is around the corner. We wish you a joyous end to summer's final month!
Hearing Loss, Depression and New FDA Guidelines
If hearing loss were officially considered a disability by the government, it would be the largest disability class in the country. One in three people between the ages of 65-74 suffers from hearing loss (that rate increases to 50% around age 75) and yet on average, it takes people 7 years to seek treatment. According to the National Council on Aging, hearing loss increases the risk for mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression but thanks to the FDA's new rules, some hearing aids will be available without a prescription, clearing access for millions of Americans.
On August 31 at 10 am, hearing specialist Neil Di Stefano will discuss the causes and complications of age-related hearing loss, and how to best address it. Individual 15-minute hearing screenings can be scheduled between 10:30 am and 2:00 pm by August 26 at 860-435-9861, ext. 188. Learn more or register.
Other Upcoming Programs
August 23, 10-11 am: Suzanne Mazzarelli's final Stress Reduction Workshop, Community Room
September 6-8, 10 am-2 pm, Auxiliary Tag Sale Drop-Off in Community Room
September 9, 8-9 am Early Bird $10 TAG SALE
September 9 and 10, 9 am-4 pmTAG SALE
Balance Class Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 am Zoom
Suzanne Mazzarelli's Therapeutic Movement and Breath, Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 am Zoom
Changes Afoot
The year before Covid shut down most of our world, Noble Horizons sent friends and family an annual appeal describing plans to renovate Whitridge, where Noble offers specialized care to those needing memory support. When the sweep of the deadly pandemic shifted our focus, efforts and resources to keeping everyone at Noble safe, which the Noble team did with unyielding dedication, compassion and success, Whitridge plans were curtailed.
While Noble continues its vigilance and fastidious attention to Covid protocols, we are now coping with the significant labor challenges facing so many sectors, perhaps most acutely, the healthcare business. Noble has tackled these challenges squarely and creatively, offering housing, enhanced remuneration and other incentives to attract and retain the best team possible. As the labor shortage continues, Noble has carefully adjusted the number of residents we admit in order to provide the exceptional care every person expects and deserves from Noble Horizons.
While we continue our recruiting efforts, we will reduce the resident population and seize the opportunity to better assess the Whitridge space for a much-needed renovation. As a result, Noble’s direct care services and resident oversight will nearly double, all residents will live in private rooms and all staff members will stay on. Noble's Memory Care Program, led expertly by Noble veteran Danielle Bailey, will continue as Whitridge residents temporarily move to Wagner and Riga once all safety precautions are in place.
We will keep you apprised of plans as they develop and are proud to begin our next 50 years with the same high standards and commitment that have always defined life at Noble Horizons.