
The Benefits of Music in Memory Care

When it comes to finding the right Senior Living Community, especially one that includes a Memory Care area, be sure to inquire if and how they incorporate music into the program.  We retain the ability to feel joy – and we often can get that experience from music. Music can help people living with dementia access memories, emotions and connections that allow them to experience joy that can be difficult to grasp otherwise.

Any community you visit should be able to tell you how they incorporate music into the lives of its residents. There are many ways it can be included, so don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t see an obvious connection while touring or visiting.

The Music Memory Connection

It’s very common to hear a song from a certain time in your life and have it bring back old memories and to remember exactly how you felt at the time. In memory care, music can serves the same function. It can also help soothe, direct energy productively and even elicit communication in a way that transcends words. Music in memory care can lead to moments of deep caring and bonding between residents and caregivers.

There are many ways to integrate music into the lives of residents of senior living communities. The simplest form is by creating a comforting environment by playing songs from years past that resonate with the older generations. To be clear, this is not necessarily a type of therapy, but rather an effort staff can make to help residents feel comfortable.  At Noble Horizons we ask family members to provide a list of a resident’s favorite songs and create play lists for residents to enjoy.

Other times, music takes a background role. Soothing music can be played in the background when a resident is agitated or frustrated, helping them to relax. This is a strategy that can combat acting out at night, which is also referred to as “sundowning.” Caregivers have also found that upbeat music can help people with dementia focus on completing a task that may be uncomfortable, like bathing, more quickly and happily.

There are other more specific uses of music in memory care as well. Sometimes, people who rarely communicate verbally will be moved to sing along with a favorite song from their childhood – often a folk or religious tune. This is a precious opportunity for caregivers and loved ones to connect with people living with dementia, especially as the condition progresses and the connection feels further and further away. Music with a beat can also prompt movement, whether that is tapping one’s fingers or feet or full-on dancing.  Offering live, interactive concerts is very important as they encourage resident participation; at Noble Horizons, we give residents maracas to shake, bells to jingle, hand-held percussion instruments to beat and help them engage with the performer. 

Ensure your loved one in need of memory care has the opportunity to feel the very real benefits of music – from unlocking memories to encouraging a dance – by selecting a senior living community with a robust selection of activities. You can learn more about Noble Horizons’ Memory Care support by clicking here.

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