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2024 Noble Horizons annual appeal

Noble Horizons 2024 Annual Appeal Connection, Community, Compassion

As we embark on another year of service, we invite you to join us in our 2024 Annual Appeal. Your support is vital in helping us create lasting connections, cultivate a vibrant community, and extend our compassion to those in need. Together, let’s continue to build a brighter future for all at Noble Horizons. Our Report of Giving for last year showcases the remarkable difference we can make when we come together as a community.

2024 Noble Horizons annual appeal


Michael Brown

Fun in the Rain!

By NobleHorizons | July 19, 2021

Despite summer’s soggy weather, we hope you have enjoyed a few bursts of sunshine!  Outside activities have certainly been challenging, as we discovered when Sunday’s Michael Brown outdoor concert became an indoor concert.  Scores of guests were regaled by Michael’s spirited performance and the opportunity to play percussion on a boisterous rendition of When the Saints Go […]

Noble News Letter July

Huge Savings, Two Hotchkiss Teachers, Welcoming You

By NobleHorizons | July 6, 2021

Happy July 4th weekend!  We hope you will be celebrating our nation’s 245th birthday with friends and family; how far we have come since last summer!  Noble is festooned with American flags and patriotic red, white, and blue decorations at every turn, providing the perfect backdrop for our 4th of […]

Newsletter June 19

Hotchkiss School Teacher Returns; Hamish Lutris; Noble Nurse Honored, Be Our Guest

By NobleHorizons | June 21, 2021

Celebrating our outstanding CNAs on National CNA Day! Though the solstice is still a few days away, summer is in full swing with fishing, bocce, croquet, BBQs, gardening, and weekly trips to Fudgy’s ice cream! Flag Day was recognized with a patriotic live music concert, Father’s Day will be marked […]

Noble Newsletter

You are Invited to a Special Event; Summer Outdoor Concerts Added

By NobleHorizons | June 7, 2021

Noble Horizons is OPEN and the joy is palpable as we once again enjoy the programs, activities, and routines that we have so missed! The Country Store is welcoming shoppers, in-person balance classes are underway, musicians are performing in the dining room, the internet cafe is buzzing, and to the great joy […]

Big News

By NobleHorizons | May 24, 2021

BIG NEWS!  Noble Horizons is reopening on June 1!!!  We are so grateful to have reached this milestone and thank you for your support and encouragement over the last 15 months. We look forward to welcoming you back for shopping at the Country Store, outpatient rehab, volunteering, our free weekly […]

nurses week

5 Stars Again, James Mars Movie Premiere, Michael Brown to Perform, Honoring Nurses

By NobleHorizons | May 10, 2021

May 6 was a memorable day at Noble Horizons!  In the midst of celebrating National Nurses Day, we were awarded our 7th consecutive CMS 5-star rating, earning particularly high scores for the time our Registered Nurses dedicate to each resident on a daily basis. The perfect score makes Noble Horizons one […]

Country Store - Newsletter April 26

North Korea, Football, Reclaiming Patriotism Discount & Endorsements, Volunteers

By NobleHorizons | April 26, 2021

Like you, we are counting the days to May 1 and May 19!  Since Governor Lamont’s recent decree, it is with palpable relief and even disbelief that we anticipate a return to life as we once knew it (with the addition of masks, of course!).  As always, Noble Horizons is […]

National Guard

Yale Professor to Discuss Patriotism, Local Women Provide Free Meals…

By NobleHorizons | April 12, 2021

To our great joy, a glorious week of warmth and sunshine has accelerated spring’s arrival! We hope that you, too, are feeling the regenerative boost of spring. Across Noble’s campus, families are enjoying outdoor visits and the campus is roaring to life with budding trees, blooming bulbs, and the mellifluous chorus of birds.  Signs of pre-pandemic life continue […]

Spring is here

Harvard Health Guide, 5 Pillars of Exercise, Meet your Newest Neighbors

By NobleHorizons | March 29, 2021

Spring is officially here and the evidence is everywhere! This past Thursday the cottagers celebrated the balmy temperatures with their first outdoor get together since last fall, relishing the opportunity to catch up after a very long winter. That same day, Cobble residents were outside strolling Noble’s beautiful campus and Wagner, Riga and Whitridge residents each gathered for outdoor picnics and golf cart rides. […]

Hamish Lutris, Slavery in Canaan, A New Van, Employee Appreciation

By NobleHorizons | March 13, 2021

The glorious spring weather, coupled with steadily improving COVID news, has felt transformative! The buoyant sense of expectancy has been furthered fueled by the arrival of our new van which many of you made possible, Noble’s festive celebration of Employee Appreciation Day, the thoughtful delivery from generous community friends of […]

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