This week the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that they had awarded Noble Horizons its rare 5-Star designation for the sixth consecutive quarter. The perfect score makes Noble Horizons one of the highest rated senior communities in the region and one of only a select few to be awarded 5-stars in the Eastern New York, Western Massachusetts, or Western Connecticut region.
"I couldn’t be prouder of the team," reflected Bill Pond, "They have not only met the rigorous expectations outlined by a CMS 5-Star Rating but they’ve kept every Noble resident COVID-free throughout the pandemic. Despite the many new and often shifting DPH and CDC protocols, regulations, and policies, they have excelled as a true team, united behind their self-coined motto, #NobleStrong. CMS has recognized that Noble Horizons offers the best of care in the safest environment possible and we are honored by their latest distinction."

Vaccines Change Everything!
This week also brought another round of COVID vaccinations and we are thrilled to report that 100% of Noble residents are fully vaccinated. Noble cottagers will receive their second and final vaccination on Monday and a few days later, an additional clinic for Noble team members is scheduled. The relief throughout Noble is palpable as is the anticipation for gradually resuming favorite activities and programs.
For the first time in months, residents gathered in the Wickman Room where Danielle and Cindy sauteed fresh vegetables blended with rice and shrimp for a mouth-watering lunch that culminated in a decadent and delectable brownie tart. Fresh Dunkin' Donuts were handed out Friday morning, and plans are underway for Valentine's Day festivities and a Chinese New Year celebration on February 12.

Hotchkiss School's Keith Moon Returns!
Hotchkiss School's Keith Moon Returns!
For almost a decade, Hotchkiss Russian, English, and History teacher Keith Moon has taught a variety of fiction and non-fiction books chronicling Russia and the Soviet Union. This year, Moon is detouring to the United States for a guided reading of one of his favorite books, Reaganland by Rick Perlstein. The free course begins on Friday, March 19, 1:00-2:00 pm and will continue through May 14. Reganland was named a 2020 notable book by The New York Times and proclaimed, “Majestic,” by The Los Angeles Times.
Moon holds a B.A. in Russian language and literature from Dartmouth College and an A.M. in Russian area studies from Harvard University. Learn more or register.

Keeping Busy and Keeping it Local!
The Tri-State region is home to scores of richly talented professionals who generously share their expertise with the local community. Noble's winter schedule is packed with their contributions and we are thrilled to offer terrific opportunities to keep your mind and body fit! You can join weekly balance classes on Wednesdays, therapeutic movement every Thursday, and end the week with Friday morning yoga.
There is plenty to keep the mind fit, too, with a feast of interesting programs and outstanding speakers. The Hotchkiss School's School Parker Reed is exploring Shakespeare's sonnets on Tuesdays at 11 am, and Hamish Lutris is honoring Black History Month with a weekly series beginning on February 11, from 1-2 pm. On February 18 at 7 pm, Yassine Talhaoui, The Hotchkiss School's Director of Diversity and Inclusion, and Meg Allen, Salisbury School's Director of Diversity will discuss strategies to divest communities of racism and cultivate attitudes of inclusion. Turn the calendar to March and on the 3rd discover Carita Gardiner's guided book club reading of Liz Moore's New York Times bestseller Long Bright River.
If you'd like to suggest specific speakers or topics, please let us know here