March not only signals Covid's continuing demise, but heralds hope, optimism, and a buoyant sense of expectancy. Perhaps this time, the virus is truly in retreat. Certainly at Noble, it is beginning to feel like the good old days with in-person activities becoming the norm once again.
In the last two weeks, we've celebrated Mardi Gras, enjoyed a concert of old-time favorites with volunteer crooner Barry Fenstermacher, planted seeds that will produce veggies for the resident gardens this summer, made St. Patrick's Day decorations to festoon our annual party on March 17 and marked Employee Recognition Day with a luncheon honoring dedicated Nobleteam members. Please enjoy the pictures sprinkled throughout this newsletter.
While Noble has been holding events throughout 2022, its 50th-anniversary calendar officially launches with our Volunteer Recognition Party on April 28, 5-7 pm. Noble has long hosted volunteer thank you extravaganzas and after a two-year hiatus, we are thrilled to resume this cherished annual tradition. This year we are adding a special twist by inviting back 50-years of volunteers! If you have contributed your time or talents to Noble at any time since 1972, we want to honor and express our gratitude to you in person! Please RSVP at 860-435-9851 or email by April 21. We look forward to welcoming you back!!!

The Hotchkiss School's Keith Moon on Vladimir Putin
How do you explain Vladimir Putin? Read former New York Times Moscow bureau chief Steven Lee Myers definitive biography, The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin, with Hotchkiss teacher Keith Moon. Meyers' op-ed piecesassessing the Russian invasion of Ukraine are published several times a week in The New York Times; Moon's class begins on Wednesday, March 23 and runs weekly from 2-3 pm through May 11.
Moon holds a B.A. in Russian language and literature from Dartmouth College and an A.M. in Russian area studies from Harvard University. More info and registration.

Free Exercise Continues!
Build your strength, flexibility, and balance with Studio Lakeville owner Leslie Eckstein's Monday and Friday 1:30 pm exercise classes. Classes are currently on Zoom, but will also be on campus beginning April 1; please sign up here.
You may also register for Wednesday Balance classes, Thursday Therapeutic Movement classes, and Friday Chair Yoga classes.

Free Memory Screenings
After 24 months of social isolation, the improved Covid conditions are offering renewed opportunities to see people we haven't we have seen in two years. Remembering faces and recalling names has become a common challenge, leading many to wonder if their memory is failing. Should you wish to assess your memory, the Alzheimer's Foundation offers simple, quick and noninvasive memory screenings easily accessed from the comfort of your home on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
There are two types of screenings: an online self-administered test and a virtual screening with a qualified professional.
The AFA's one-on-one, confidential virtual memory screenings consist of a series of questions to test memory, language, thinking skills, and other cognitive functions. Screenings are conducted one-on-one through secure videoconference technology (i.e. Zoom, FaceTime, Skype) in real-time and take approximately 10-15 minutes. Once the screening is complete, the screener will review the results with you. Screenings are done by appointment daily, Monday through Friday. Appointments can be scheduled by calling AFA at 866-232-8484 or online by clicking here.