Tips for Using Smart Home Devices

“Alexa, remind me to call Dr. Smith tomorrow to schedule a follow up appointment.”

Smart home devices are no longer only for the tech advanced. Today, smart home devices help millions of Americans do everything from get the latest weather to help with homework!

Smart home devices can offer many benefits to seniors as well with just a simple voice command. Of course it can do some of the obvious tasks, but we’ve also included so not so obvious benefits to smart home devices as well.

  1. Schedule Reminders. From everything to scheduling a reminder for a coffee date to taking medication, digital assistants are a great way to manage all the little tasks in your life so you don’t for get them. Smart devices not only excel at reminding you, but they can keep your life organized as well.
  2. Turning on Lights…or off. Afraid you might trip over the cat while trying to turn on the light? With a smart home device turning lights on or off is as simple as a voice command. According to the CDC, falls are the number one cause of injury among older Americans. One of the simplest ways to reduce fall risk is by using proper lighting.
  3. Keeping in Touch. From voice calls to video, your smart home assistant can help you keep in touch with friends and family without even pushing a button or navigating a website. Alexa, Siri, and Google are all standing by waiting for you to let them know who to call.
  4. Preventing Boredom. While they can’t carry on a conversation like an old friend, many smart home devices can double as gaming devices including options like Mad Libs, puzzles, poker, and even Jeopardy.
  5. Find that Song. You know, the one that goes like this… boop be doo be doo…. Ok, don’t judge our singing skills, but a smart home device can help you figure out that song that’s stuck in your head. Or maybe you just want to relive your 20’s, or enjoy some jazz with dinner – the list is endless!
  6. Secure your home. As smart devices evolve, more and more options are becoming available that let you sync your windows, doors, and cameras. You can lock and unlock doors and windows and even get event notifications. When someone is at your door a you can see them regardless of where you are and even talk to them through a camera!
  7. Be mindful. You’re busy and often forget the importance of taking a break to re-center yourself. Smart assistants can remind you to do this and can even lead you through meditation exercises to refresh and re-energize.
  8. Read a book. No more straining your eyes or trying to find those glasses. Your smart assistant can read to you as long as the platform the book is on supports text-to-speech technology. It’s a great way to catch up on reading while doing things around the house or if you just want to close your eyes and relax.
  9. Feed you. These devices can’t cook your dinner, although shouldn’t Rosie from the Jetsons be a thing by now? But it can order take out! Many national chains have apps that your smart device can use once you give it the command to “order a large pepperoni pizza from….”
  10. Clean your house. Again, not the Rosie the robot style you are thinking, BUT it can connect to a Roomba and vacuum and mop your floors by just giving it a command. Just a tip, pick up clutter off the floor before releasing the Roomba – it will increase its life and do a better job.

Smart home devices make us wonder how we ever accomplished anything without technology. We’ve truly come a long way. As we age, making any task easier, quicker, and safer is a top priority for many. We are still waiting on Rosie – and will be sure to let you know when she’s ready to cook you a meal and clean up, too!

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