Yea! Winter is over! At Noble, we bid it goodbye with our first St. Patrick's Day party in two years! St. Patrick's Day has always occasioned celebrations and with Covid in retreat, this year's festivities were especially lively. Green decorations animated every corner of Noble and green clothing was the color of choice. Of course, the dining room served up a traditional Irish meal and a sumptuous round of Irish coffee.
The garden club is in full swing; seeds planted by Noble's most ardent garden enthusiasts have sprouted in the greenhouse, portending delicious herb and vegetable harvests later this summer. Barbeques, too, are popping up with greater frequency, often culminating in delectable desserts crafted by the residents.
As we cautiously transition to in-person interactions, many people continue to enjoy the convenience and plethora of opportunities available on Zoom. Yale University recently launched a new site with a fully digital course catalog offering many of its most popular on-campus courses. In response to overwhelming demand, Noble Horizons will continue to offer programs on Zoom while also welcoming you to on-campus programs beginning April 1. For those who missed today's program featuring Keith Moon on Vladimir Putin, you may watch it here; it was outstanding. Please note that our website is frequently updated with new programs so do check the events tab regularly.
Thank You
On April 28 from 5-7 pm, Noble's 50th-anniversary festivities will officially launch with a celebration honoring the scores of dedicated volunteers whose contributions have had such a profound impact on life at Noble. Have you been an Auxiliary member, helped out at the Festival of Trees, visited with residents, volunteered to teach a class, brought your pet for pet therapy, performed music, worked at the Country Store, helped at the tag sale or Holiday Fair? We want to thank you, recognize you, toast you, give you tokens of our gratitude and announce an important new Volunteer Award.
Volunteering is one of Noble's oldest and most revered traditions. Because we don't have records of all volunteers since 1972, we are not sending invitations but are spreading the word through traditional and social media outlets, digital and print newsletters, and word of mouth. If you have contributed your time or talents to Noble at any time since 1972, or know anyone who has, please join us!!! You may RSVP here or at 860-435-9851 by April 21. We look forward to welcoming you back and to saying, thank you!!!!
Nick Nickerson Featured in WWII Documentary
Nick Nickerson has lived at Noble Horizons for over a decade and is a well-known crooner with the Housatonic barbershop chorus, works out daily in the fitness room, and is a devoted reader. Beyond our community, he has been recognized for his service in World War II's 10th Mountain Division. Countless books and stories have chronicled the division's heroism during World War II when it sustained nearly 5000 casualties and 999 deaths.
Nickerson, one of just two surviving members of the division's Company G of the 85th Infantry, was recently contacted by Italian filmmaker Luciano La Valle who, while working on a documentary and miniseries of the 10th Mountain Division, discovered Nick in McKay Jenkins' book, The Last Ridge: The Epic Story of America's First Mountain Soldier. "I was struck by the history of this unit, by the sacrifices...the objective is fixing in images...the personal memories of the veterans. It is a tribute to all those who fought."
Nick appreciates that the film will keep the stories of the division alive. As he told McKay, "no amount of training can prepare a soldier for the battlefield...but everyone who served felt we had to do something to make (WWII) the last big war." You may read about the documentary series here.