Local Secrets

Salisbury School teacher Rhonan Mokriski and his students have helped rewrite local history by revealing the significant black and indigenous stories that have been hidden for over 200 years. Following its work with the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation and the Upper Housatonic Heritage Area to create the powerful documentary Coloring Our Past which premiered at Noble Horizons, the class continues its quest for truth in history.

Join them on February 7 at 7 pm (on Zoom) to understand how they are retelling local history by utilizing local artifacts, art, literature, architectural and environmental resources. Their stories begin at the stately Salisbury home of an altruistic country doctor who opened his home to developmentally disabled students; it moves to his ambitious son who helped develop the malevolent study of eugenics, continues to the landmark US Supreme Court Griswold v. Connecticut decision governing birth control, and finally to the Free Britney movement.

Don’t miss this fascinating history of Salisbury and its environs; please register below for the Zoom link.

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