
acute care

Post-Acute Care: Why a Holistic Approach Matters

Post acute care takes a holistic approach. In Greek, “Holos” means wholeness. From the Greek root, holism is thus to do with the whole unit rather than as a sum of its individual parts. It follows naturally, then, that holistic care is about caring for the whole human being. When it comes to healthcare, especially rehabilitative

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Volunteer Spotlight: Judy McKernon on Responsibility and FUN!

To say Noble Horizons is in Auxiliary President Judy McKernon’s blood would be stating the obvious. Judy’s family connection to Noble dates back to its inception.  Judy’s father Tom Wagner, a local attorney, was chosen to administer the John H and Ethel G Noble Charitable Trust, the purpose of which was to provide a place

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Employee Spotlight: Lynn Famiglietti – Putting Wellness First

Lynn Famigletti loves her job.  “I always want to do what I can to help everybody,” says Lynn and as the Wellness Coordinator, she is doing exactly that.  As the Wellness Coordinator, Lynn works with the cottagers and cobble residents, overseeing their health and wellness needs, and during the pandemic, providing a variety of services

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