Congratulations to Carolyn "Clue" Noble for receiving the Mary Barton Volunteer of the Year award
As we all welcomed the spring flowers and seasonable weather, here at Noble Horizons we also welcomed back several familiar faces: The 14th Colony Artists, Michael Brown and the David Peyton Band are just a few names we have had the pleasure of seeing again in these recent weeks. It has been a joy to see these faces amongst our campus after such a long stretch. The 14th Colony Artists returned after two years and will be showcased in our Learning Center until April 30th. Please make time to come and see this exquisite show if you haven't already.
The month is flying by as we have been quite busy here - April is Volunteer Month as well as Occupational Therapy Month. We have been celebrating our Volunteers and our Occupational Therapists throughout the month and are truly grateful to them for making our lives better every day with their continued caring and support with the changing needs of our community. We have been showcasing our Occupational Therapists weekly on Facebook , Instagram and on our website as a small token of our gratitude for the wonderful team we have here. We recently were able to celebrate (in person) our Noble Volunteers with a delightful garden-themed recognition brunch. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the Volunteers and having a chance to catch up was a delightful way to spend a Saturday afternoon. The scrumptious food prepared by our exceptional Dietary staff was a hit, and the Recreation department really transformed our community room into an oasis of garden flowers and plants. This was just a small token of our gratitude for their continued efforts and the joy that our volunteers bring to our residents.
To keep up with all of our news and events, including our weekly Balance class, please make sure to visit our website and social media outlets for new information on what's happening at Noble Horizons!
National Cancer Survivors Day at Noble Horizons is
June 1st at 5PM
We are very excited to announce that for the first time, Noble Horizons will be hosting the upcoming National Cancer Survivors Day. This is a way to get together with fellow survivors and loved ones to share your experiences. We would like to celebrate you all and show our support and love. All food and raffle prizes will be donated by local businesses to help support this truly remarkable event. The National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation describes this event as, "a CELEBRATION for those who have survived, an INSPIRATION for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of SUPPORT for families, and an OUTREACH to the community." If you or someone you know is a Cancer Survivor or a family member of a Cancer Survivor and wish to attend, please sign up here.
Volunteers Come In All Shapes and Sizes!
Thank you to our pet volunteer of the month, our Certified Therapy dog, Kekoa! Keoka comes faithfully every Tuesday with his best friend Clue (who has just been awarded the Mary Barton Volunteer of the Year) leading the way. We are all grateful for the love and affection that he brings us weekly. He's a gentle giant, attentively providing love and support to all our residents and staff, and is a graduate of the Canine Link program held here at Noble Horizons each month. If you have a special canine that you think might be a candidate for this program and would like more information on Canine Link and the services they provide, click here.
Click here to learn about our Volunteer Program at Noble Horizons.

Learn about Diet and Aging
Please join us on May 24th at 2:30 in our Community Room to hear from our Certified Dietitian and Nutritionist, Sue Mastrangelo. Sue has been our dietitian here at Noble for over fifteen years and will share her vast knowledge about healthy eating as we age. In this discussion, The Importance of Diet and Aging, Sue will provide us with the tools and tips we need to stay healthy by carefully choosing the foods we eat as we get older. She will encourage participation and take questions from the audience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get healthier through diet! Registration is appreciated, please register on our website by clicking here.
Salisbury Rotary
We are excited to announce that the Rotary Club of Salisbury will be calling Noble Horizons home. We have been hosting Rotary's weekly luncheon meeting for quite some time, but now we will be seeing them more often and providing Rotary with a central office here at Noble. Bill Spaulding, the President of Rotary, is enjoying the new space and is very grateful that they have a meeting place to share their ideas and plan for the community outreach we all wish to provide. Welcome Salisbury Rotary to the Noble family!
May 31st is Senior Health and Fitness Day!
Please join us in our Community Room at 10:30am on May 31st to celebrate this wonderful opportunity to participate in Senior Health and Fitness Day. This program will be in place of balance class for that day, but all balance class participants are welcome to attend. We will start with a balance demonstration from our Therapy Department, followed by a walk through our beautiful grounds, and finish with a healthy lunch provided by our exceptional Dietary staff. Our collective goal is to continue to promote healthy living to our senior population and provide services to ensure they have the right tools to succeed. This is your opportunity to embrace what Noble has to offer and view the truly serene surroundings we all find therapeutic in the Northwest corner. Please sign up by calling the front desk at 860-435-9851.
Michael Brown
Michael Brown uplifted us with a thrilling Sunday afternoon performance in our chapel. Michael has been a member of our Noble Community for decades and it was great to welcome him back once again. In his performance with his colleague Tamara Andrew, he showcased one of his favorite pieces, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," and he had our residents raising theirs! Thank you, Michael and Tamara, for a truly remarkable performance.