Medicare Open Enrollment Information Session and Appointments
Prepare for Medicare Open Enrollment and Make a Free Private Part D Enrollment Appointment
At 12 pm on November 3, Noble Horizons will host two Medicare professionals from the Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging (WCAAA) who will present Preparing for Medicare Open Enrollment. Because plans change annually, Medicare urges all recipients to review their plans during open enrollment to ensure their plans continue to meet their needs in 2023. Plans change, including drug coverage and the cost of drugs. In addition, healthcare providers can opt in or out of a Medicare Advantage plan at any time, so it is important to confirm that your provider is still on your plan. WCAAA, a non-profit funded by federal, state and local sources, provides unbiased information to seniors.
To help you enroll in the plan best suited to your needs, directly following the information session the WCAAA counselors will offer private Medicare Part D enrollments sessions from 1:30-4 pm and again on November 8 from 9 am-4 pm.
Please email cburchfield@churchhomes.org or call 860-435-9851, ext. 190 for an appointment.
Occasionally, events may be canceled due to inclement weather or other conditions beyond our control. In that case, we will make every effort to update our website and contact registrants.
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Official photographs taken at the event may include you as a subject and could be used in future editorial and promotional contexts in print and electronic media. Images will not be identified using full names without written approval from the individual. Please notify Noble Horizons staff if you prefer your photo not be used.