Independent Living


Transitioning your Parents from their Home to a Retirement Community – 10 Must do Steps

Transitioning your parents from their home to a retirement community needn’t be stressful – in fact, it can be quite enjoyable!  The key is making the move a family endeavor plus ensuring your parents are 100% involved in the decision-making process – after all this will be their home for hopefully years to come. The […]

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physical therapy

The Importance of Physical Therapy in Reducing Falls in the Elderly

Although there is no magic pill for preventing falls in the elderly, we often overlook one of the best kept secrets in prevention – physical therapy.  Physical Therapists can help reduce the risk of elderly falls by 25 percent or more. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries in older adults and are the

The Importance of Physical Therapy in Reducing Falls in the Elderly Read More »

spinal stenosis

Spinal Stenosis: A Painful and Frequently Misdiagnosed Condition

For a decade, starting in his early 50s, John Stanton felt as though he was walking on hot, burning coals. His ankles ached and throbbed, his feet were always tingling and, at times, all his toes felt as if they were being cut with glass. “For years doctors told me that these sensations were caused

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Husky Meadows

Husky Meadows Farm: Emphasizing Seasonality

For many years, Noble Horizons has drawn inspiration from the local farm-to-table movement.  In the early years, we hosted free community cooking classes with farm-to-table chefs and offered local farm produce for sale.  We also established our own gardens in which residents and staff grow herbs and vegetables which they harvest for use in meals

Husky Meadows Farm: Emphasizing Seasonality Read More »


Volunteer Rosemary Farnsworth: Entering the World of Others

Former educator Rosemary Farnsworth does her research. Back in 2001, she and her husband, George were considering a move to a cottage at Noble Horizons. To become more familiar with the Noble community they began volunteering on campus every Sunday. “George and I worked with a group that read plays and poems for an hour,”

Volunteer Rosemary Farnsworth: Entering the World of Others Read More »

Concierge Care at Noble Horizons…A Brand New Life!

Bringing comfort, care and healing to every member of the Noble Horizons community is what we do every single day. To underscore this commitment, Noble Horizons has introduced Concierge Care which will ensure that a guest’s care and experience exceed their expectations. Community members entering Noble Horizons for rehabilitation care will enjoy daily visits from

Concierge Care at Noble Horizons…A Brand New Life! Read More »

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