Sizzling September
The end-of-summer weather has been spectacular here in northwest Connecticut. We have been taking advantage of the beautiful outdoor spaces around our campus with concerts by the pond, cook-outs, farmers markets, and of course the incredible Noble Olympic Games. The residents, staff and community have been bustling with our many events and activities.
We are extremely proud, excited and happy to announce that through your support, we have been able to purchase our new transport vehicle! We are humbled and eternally grateful for your continued support of our beloved residents. Our 2023 Annual Appeal for this much-needed new van was an overwhelming success thanks to you!
The Noble Horizons Auxiliary is gearing up for the upcoming Tag Sale after recently sponsoring their annual lobster meal for residents and staff! The recreation department set the scene in the dining room with their festive decorations and lobster attire. Bruce Mandell played live music, and residents were singing along and tapping their feet while enjoying their wine. Thank you again to the Noble Horizons Auxiliary for continuing to provide such a great treat.
For more information on any of our community programs and to register for classes, please scroll below or visit our website events page. Don't forget to join our Facebook and Instagram platforms for updates or to check out what's happening around campus. We can't wait to share what is left of the summer season with you.

Chair Yoga with Corey
Thursday's at 10:30
Come and experience the powerful healing benefits of chair yoga with a certified yoga and meditation instructor Corey Chapman on Thursdays from 10:30-11:30 am in the Community Room. Corey will provide benefits for stress relief, relaxation, improved sleep, lower blood pressure, and overall improved physical and mental health. Each one-hour program is for all levels and abilities, and anyone can participate as long as they keep their mind open. Don’t miss out on the healing powers Corey can offer.
*Room changed to Learning Center on September 5th due to Tag Sale*
Complimentary Program
One-Time Registration Required

Chair Zumba
Friday's at 10:30
Certified Zumba instructor Placido Birriel leads these weekly classes on Fridays from 10:30 – 11:30 am in the Community Room. Chair Zumba incorporates movements taken from Latin dances like the merengue, salsa, and cha cha to create an exhilarating program that aims to improve overall energy, core stability, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and motor skills. Burn calories while having some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome so sign up today.
*Room changed to Learning Center on September 6th due to Tag Sale*
Complimentary Program
Registration Required

Weekly Balance Class Wednesday's at 10:30 Community Room
Balance Class Returns!
This weekly program is held in our Community Room from 10:30am-11:30am on Wednesdays. It is led by our dedicated Physical Therapy Department who wish to help you improve your balance, muscle strength, flexibility, mobility, and enhance you overall physical and mental health.
Complimentary Program
One-Time Registration Required

Joe Soper Exhibit Opening The History of Slide Rules Thursday, September 5 3:00 pm Learning Center
Local historian, writer, Noble Horizons resident Joe Soper will be showing off his exhibit, The History of Slide Rules, on Thursday, September 5 at 3pm in the Learning Center. Please join us for this one-of-a-kind presentation and Q & A with Mr. Soper, who literally wrote the book on slide rules! Wine, cheese, and refreshments will be served. The exhibit will be open for viewing on weekends from 11:00am-4:00pm until September 29.

Noble Horizons Auxiliary Semi-Annual Book & Tag Sale September 6 & 7 9:00am-2:00pm Early Birds: Friday Only at 8:00am with Fee
On Friday September 6 at 8am, Early Birds can pay a $10 fee for a sneak peek of the treasures (before the crowds come!)
Free admittance from 9am-2pm on both Friday and Saturday.
Take advantage of all the fabulous finds including books, furniture, china, glassware, linens, jewelry, and a wide variety of household items. Hot dogs and refreshments will be available for purchase starting at 10:30am.
Join us and support the Noble Horizons Auxiliary and the residents who benefit from their fundraising efforts.
Donations are still being accepted. Contact Front Desk at 860 435-9851 for drop off times and locations.

Keith Moon Swimathon Presentation
Friday, September 6th 4:00pm
Learning Center
Keith Moon presents the Dream Day Center on Friday, September 6th at 4PM in the Learning Center. Keith will be joining us once again, this time with coaches and athletes from Special Olympics Slovakia to raise awareness for the Dream Day Center, established in 2022 for Ukrainian refugee children born with intellectual disabilities who have made their way to Slovakia. Join us for this inspiring and educational event and help support the 30th Hotchkiss Swimathon!
Complimentary Program
Registration Required

Corner Choir
Wednesday, September 25th 3:00pm
In The Chapel
On Wednesday, September 25th, at 3:00 PM we will be hosting the Corner Choir! If you wish to be inspired and uplifted, join us for an awesome musical experience in our beautiful Chapel. Enjoy songs and hymns performed by the combined churches of St. Martin of Tours, an incredible local choir that spans three generations. No registration required, come as you are and bring a friend or two.
Olympic Medal Winners