More in Store
So much has happened in these past weeks. Along with celebrating our nurses for National Nursing Month, the Noble Auxiliary had another successful Tag Sale and would like to thank everyone who donated, organized, and supported them for another stellar season. We look forward to seeing you again in the Fall!
May is also National Speech, Language, and Hearing Month. I'd like to take this opportunity to recognize Andrea Gamble, our resident Speech Therapist, for all she does for our Noble residents and the community at large.
The Sharon Audubon Society visited us with their beautiful birds of prey. Residents, staff and community members gathered around the Community Room to hear about these beautiful creatures. Thank you to the Audubon Society for educating us and bringing your friends, Mandy & Bob to visit.
As we approach the unofficial start of summer and look forward to celebrating Memorial Day, we want to take this time to share what we have in store for you! Of course, there's a lot going on and I'm excited to announce upcoming programs and activities - all of which you are welcome to attend. Please scroll below or visit our website events page to register for classes or more information. We all look forward to seeing you on campus!

Chair Yoga with Corey
Come and experience the powerful healing benefits of chair yoga with a certified yoga and meditation instructor Corey Chapman on Thursdays from 10:30-11:30 am in the Community Room. Corey will provide benefits for stress relief, relaxation, improved sleep, lower blood pressure, and overall improved physical and mental health. Each one-hour program is for all levels and abilities, and anyone can participate as long as they keep their mind open. Don’t miss out on the healing powers Corey can offer.
Note change in location on May 16 to outdoor Yoga by the Noble Pond
Registration Required

Chair Zumba is Back!
Certified Zumba instructor Placido Birriel leads these weekly classes on Fridays from10:30 – 11:30 am in the Community Room. Chair Zumba incorporates movements taken from Latin dances like the merengue, salsa, and cha cha to create an exhilarating program that aims to improve overall energy, core stability, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and motor skills. Burn calories while having some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome so sign up today!
Note change in location on May 17 & 31to Learning Center
Registration Required

Corner Choir Performance May 29 at 3:30 Noble Horizons Community Room
Join this multi-generational group composed of choir members from our combined local Catholic churches of St. Martin of Tours for their first ever performance at Noble's St. Luke's Chapel! They will be singing familiar uplifting songs and hymns with accompaniment from our very own chapel organist Deirdre Broderick. No registration is required, and all are welcome to attend this very special group performance.

"Colors Cornacopia" Opening Reception May 24 4pm-6pm Learning Center
Local artist Janet Newman introduces her show, "Colors Cornacopia." Janet believes "The wow factor of brilliant colors often ignites a happy, joyous feeling of emotions" and her goal is to inspire others to include more color in their lives and have fun with it! Join us for the opening reception on May 24 from 4-6pm in the Learning Center and meet the artist behind this colorful show. Exhibit will stay open on Saturdays & Sundays until June 16.

Blood Drive May 31 from 11am-4pm Community Room
Noble Horizons will be hosting another blood drive on May 31 to help with the national blood shortage we are facing in America. Statistics show that 25 percent or more of us will need blood at least once in our lifetime, and those 50-plus begin needing it the most. So why not give back before you need it — or give because someone has given for you? Help support our local community and give the gift of life!

Dinner - and a Show Too!
June 7th at 6PM
You are cordially invited to the “wedding” and reception of triple gazillionaire and international entrepreneur Baron Von Barry Buttabattabingo and his youthful bride, Danni Dannifofanni, daughter of international “businessman” and shockingly bad gambler, the very late Manny Daninifofanni. Join the gloating groom, the scornful bride, and a whole cast of shady characters for some vino, nuptials, a delicious Italian spaghetti dinner, and top it off with a slice of wedding cake. As a guest, you will have the opportunity to interact, participate, and possibly change the course of the outcome.
Cut the rug! Cut the cake! Cut and run! Consider this an offer you can’t refuse…..
Seating is limited! Reserve your seats and purchase your tickets before they're gone. Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 (cash) at the door.

National Cancer Survivors Day Celebration Brunch June 2nd 11-2 Community Room
Join us with cancer survivors around the world to support each other and celebrate life!
This event is for everyone - whether you’re a cancer survivor, caregiver, healthcare professional, family member or friend. Let’s celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day together with guest speakers, live music, raffle prizes and community support all while enjoying Sunday Bruch! All proceeds go directly to the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation and their community outreach programs. Registration is required, and we really look forward to seeing you there on June 2nd from 11-2 in the Community Room.
Birds of Prey Event